In the library world we would probably call this something like "federated updating".
With the proliferation of different targets, particularly different social presence sites, people are trying to do one-to-many updates.
We see an example of some infrastructure for this in Yahoo's FireEagle, for collecting and redistributing location updates.
There was also a nice example at the CRIG Repository Challenge, called FileBlast, which allows you to upload a paper (an article) and then send automatic notices with the link to the paper to multiple sources, such as Twitter and your blog. It is build on the FeedForward infrastructure, and you can read more about it (as well as find a link to the code) in the FeedForward blog.
Today, via the Outsell Headlines feed, I find news that TypePad has a new Facebook app called Blog It, which can send a single update to many sources of your choosing, including various blogging platforms (TypePad, Blogger, LJ, Vox, WordPress) and various "statusy" services, including Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook status itself.
UPDATE: The article Outsell pointed me to, Six Apart Gives Facebook Bloggers Blastability, uses the term "lifestreaming". I wonder if this is where we're headed, from the blog to the lifeblast. ENDUPDATE
I think there's always this tension between decentralisation and centralisation, and these kind of notification federations may be one way that we manage this.
In particular, "article blast" to multiple repositories using SWORD may be a very compelling solution to a lot of ingest and content recruitment issues. (And feel free to contact me if you're interested in SWORD ingest across platforms.) Julie Allinson did a great job of introducing SWORD in her Open Repositories 2008 presentation.