[email protected] is a series of events hosted by the British Library, providing opportunities to inform, engage, debate and network with scientists and all those who use scientific information.
Wednesday 24 September 2008
- Is Web2.0 all about attitudes or technologies?
- What can Web2.0 do for your research?
- As a scientist, are there good reasons for getting involved beyond social ‘not working’?
- Web3.0: another buzzword or a semantic revolution for science on the web?
Timo Hannay is the Publishing Director of Nature.com. ...
Timo will be speaking live in the British Library and the event will be simultaneously screened on Second Nature. Following Timo’s talk, attendees from both the British Library and Second Nature will have the chance to question Timo and discuss the topics raised.
Date: Wednesday 24th September [2008]
Time: 18:00 – 20:30 London time, 10:00 – 12:30 PDT [1300-1530 EDT]
Location: Second Nature Island
Scientific Researchers and Web 2.0: Social 'NotWorking'? - Joanna Scott's blog - September 16, 2008
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