This showed up in my FriendFeed
a map of predictions about global science and innovation created at a recent IFTF workshop in Singapore (the interface is a novel service for online presentation called ZuiPrezi
Future of Science on the (ZuiPrezi) map - Freelancing science - September 30, 2008
You can see the presentation, or "prezi" at
(It's Flash-based, and may take a while to load fully.)
This is doubly interesting because not only are the ideas themselves useful for thinking about the future of science, but the presentation allows you to move around the ideas like moving around a map.
I've always felt we are very limited by PowerPoint, everything ends up as bullet slides - or at most we try to fight that by having photo slides. We're on computers that can run video, play audio, show screencasts, and with the Internet, can do anything from (the always risky) live demos to live video. And yet it's usually
- bullet point
- other bullet point
Zuiprezi is showing some of what is possible when you think outside the PowerPoint box.
If the interface isn't clear, you can click to zoom in, drag around, or use the controls in the lower right to follow the presentation trail and zoom in and out.