A series of charts from various stats services, as today is this blog's 4 year anniversary ("blogiversary").
(This is not my first blog, my oldest blog will be 8 years old next May.)
This is my 2047th post. Thanks for reading.
Coming up in future posts: thoughts on "why I blog", and more thoughts on conference blogging/reporting.
I started tracking my blog in these services at different times, and they all record something slightly different, so they aren't exactly 1 to 1 comparable. The most complete data is from TypePad itself, followed closely by Google Analytics which I started using just a few days after the blog launched. In most cases the dates should be clear from the chart. Also some of the declines in hits are attributable to me starting up a new blog (Richard's Tech Reviews) for the content that gets the most search hits (gadget reviews and info).
You will see two peaks in the hit charts below, the first is when I wondered whether research libraries are obsolete, and the second is when I got digg-dotted for linking to a little animated map of a day of Google traffic.
StatCounter daily
StatCounter monthly
FeedBurner subscribers
FeedBurner most popular items
(Note: the Library 2.0 presentation wasn't one of mine, it's a link to one by Donna Bourne-Tyson of Mount Saint Vincent University.)
Google Analytics overview
The most popular item (Content Overview section) is my review of the Sony GPS-CS1 GPS logger.
Google Analytics country map (enhanced colours)
Except for a few countries in Africa and what appears to be a total lack of interest in Turkmenistan, I have hits from pretty much everywhere in the world.
Google Analytics city map and list
November 20, 2007 blogiversary year 3
Happy birthday, Richard! I'm one of those UK/London visitors! Impressive stats.
Posted by: Maxine | November 20, 2008 at 12:54 PM