Kris Reyes uses the announcement of President Obama's Director of Citizen Participation, Katie Jacobs Stanton as a jumping-off point for discussions of Canadian government and social media, touching in particular on the Toronto-based ChangeCamp.
You can see video of her interview with Mark Kuznicki as well as additional links in a posting on her City News cityonline blog, "All about ChangeCamp".
Incidentally, for those who think one technology kills another, this posting is an example of tech interactions - I saw the end of the story on TV, sent a tweet to Kris Reyes to ask about her blog posting, got her response, and then added info from her blog to this posting on my blog. New tech adds new capabilities, but it doesn't necessarily replace existing services.
Sidebar 1: Until I read the techPresident posting about Katie Jacobs Stanton, I had forgotten that Google Moderator existed (it's a ranking / discussion site, similar to digg, obamacto, or some features on
Sidebar 2: Mark has been pretty busy recently, he was also interviewed by CBC's Spark - "Full Interview: Mark Kuznicki" (Spark is on Twitter as well - sparkcbc) and was part of TVO's AgendaCamp.