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March 11, 2009


Hey Richard,

Thanks for coming out to the Breakfast and for posting your event notes and commentary. @MarkBlevis and I grabbed some video - we'll edit it down and add to the discussion asap.

A few items to add to your notes about local people promoting their events, etc.

- re Mark Evans: Dave(@davehicks613)had talked about some upcoming speaker events that CNW is sponsoring (I think in other cities) that will be also be streamed

- Scott Lake (@scottica) talked about http://www.meetup.com/Ottawa-Social-Media-Book-Club on April 1st. I'm going to try to make this as it will give me a reason to finish Clay Shirky's book that I already own but have not cracked open!

I empathize with your wi-fi frustration. On a personal note, I often do attend events where I've suffered poor (the lack of) wi-fi and power outlets (power bars). Of late, I don't even want to lug around my Mac because of the weight. (As an aside, this is why I was checking out your netbook - have you seen http://tinyurl.com/c8j597) I do have an iPhone (that I forgot to charge last night) but I do find live tweeting to be a hassle on the touch screen. Hence I've returned to using a notebook and pen. I do find that this is less distracting for me. That said, I also enjoy reading the tweets, blog posts, etc. that others produce while the event is going on.

To date, we have not been able to provide wi-fi access at any of the 7 Breakfasts that we've run. Part of the problem is due to the fact that we have hosted the events at private office locations (Ramius, Overlay and now Gowlings) which aren't well set up for many non-employee connections. And we've tried to program the events so that the focus is on the people networking activity - encouraging our speakers to incorporate interaction with the audience as much as possible.

But, we can try to change this. I'm going to send out our (mostly) usual post event survey and will add a specific question on the topic. Our surveys have yielded great suggestions and I've been the one that has been slow at letting everyone know how we will try to incorporate the feedback in future events.

Thanks for coming out!

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