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January 31, 2011


Fwiw, the people you follow on twitter are quite highly interconnected (http://www.flickr.com/photos/psychemedia/5413099134/), but a map over the fans of your fans on delicious shows how that service never really got to grips with pushing the social? (http://www.flickr.com/photos/psychemedia/5413102114/)

Thanks for letting me know about this - I thought it was a really fascinating visualization and I think could actually be quite useful for people who are doing career planning/evaluation (particularly once some deeper metrics, like connection strength, could be factored in as you rightly point out).

Mine was really fascinating to me, though not totally unexpected: http://inmaps.linkedinlabs.com/share/Ryan_Androsoff/8184869073332264478314906698508774979

The very tightly connected swarm on the right side are all connections from my time at Harvard (the dark blue, light blue and purple represent separate sub-groups from there). It is so big and deeply connected as I would venture to guess that 80% of the people there signed up for Linked-In for the first time while at Harvard as they were job hunting and thus most of their first connections were with each other.

The light purple on the bottom left is all Government of Canada people that I have met since starting at TBS 6 months ago - the overwhelming majority of whom would be active in the Web 2.0 community.

The top left is essentially a mix of the rest of my professional/academic life - everything before September 2008. Mix of people I went to Carleton with, people I worked with in politics, colleagues from the World Bank, and friends/family. It is really interesting to me how evenly (though loosely) all those parts of my life are connected with each other, in sharp contrast to the two other communities I have been active within over the past couple of years.

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