Just a quick post to gather together links to the videos from the sessions at the ICSTI Workshop "Multimedia & Visualisations for Science" held at Microsoft Research in Redmond on February 8, 2011. You should be able to get downloads in most any format, if the player doesn't work for you. The entire day's worth of video is online.
Featuring Michael Ackerman! (No relation.)
- Session 1: An emphasis on interactive multimedia and visualization
- Session 2: Tools and technologies for communication and problem solving
- Session 3: Accelerating discovery through multimedia and visualization
- Session 4: Combining and refining data to reach new discovery
You can also find links to the presentation slides at ICSTI.
I think the hashtag was #icstiw11 but it wasn't clear, I also saw use of #icsti11 and just #icsti
Speakers / hosts who are on Twitter include
- Rafael Sidi (@rafaelsidi)
- Lee Dirks (@ldirks)
- Peter Fox (@taswegian)
- Jennifer Lin (@jenndox)
- and Microsoft Research itself (@MSFTResearch)
Thanks to Jennifer Lin for tweeting the link to the videos.