President of the Treasury Board Tony Clement gave a keynote address to open Public Sector Engage 2011. He begins speaking at 03m15s in. The text of the speech is available, although he makes some asides that I believe are not in the text.
Opening remarks by the President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for FedNor, Tony Clement from PSEngage on Vimeo.
Key phrases:- the importance of a collaborative approach
- technology as an important tool for change
- sometimes innovation means that you're going into areas that have not been gone through before
- Internet tools allow public sector employees to be more productive than ever before [my translation from the French]
- the public service must make sure it possesses the capacity and the expertise necessary to respond not only to today's demands, but also in 5, 10, 20 years [my translation from the French]
- competencies related to work, teams and collaboration will be necessary [my translation from the French]
- "I consider myself the Minister responsible for championing innovation in the government"
- the use of productivity-enhancing Internet-based tools & services that allow people to share information, engage in a dialogue, and collaborate
- open government in Canada: open data, open information, and open dialogue
- Canada has signaled its intent to join the international Open Government Partnership
Our government is encouraging the use of new Web 2.0 tools and technologies such as of course blogs, wikis, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube... you name it. These tools help create a more modern, open and collaborative workplace and lead to more just-in-time communications with the public. I was recently before a Senate committee reviewing these issues and I said it makes no sense to have our employees--any employee--but certainly our new employees to have more access and more interaction in the coffee shop on their way to work than actually in their workplace. That is not a workplace of the future... I see a few heads nodding here so I think I've struck a little bit of a chord.
UPDATE 2011-12-19: You can watch his Senate committee testimony as well as read some of the quotes, linked from my posting Internet & social media - Official Languages examination - Senate Committee videos.
Previously:November 23, 2011 Treasury Board President Clement speaks about open government, social media [also from the PSE2011 event]