The Final Report of the Canadian Open Government Consultation has been posted
It's a straightforward summary of the input provided.
There were over 260 submissions to the online consultation.
President of the Treasury Board Tony Clement states
These consultations were also instrumental in developing our Open Government Action Plan which I will present in April 2012 at the Open Government Partnership in Brazil. Each element of the Action Plan is supported by what we heard during the consultation process.
The key messages reported are
- Make information and data easier to find by improving the search function on government websites.
- Improve the organization of government websites, in general, by creating centralized portal(s) to provide catalogues of Government of Canada information and data in one place.
- Make more information and data available in standardized open formats with improved metadata, tagging and indexing.
- Promote the availability of open data through better communications and marketing.
- Improve consultation tools and websites by making them more user-friendly (e.g., plain language, no acronyms, etc.) and more interactive through the use of social media.
- Ensure that Canadians know that consultations are taking place and demonstrate that something is being done with consultation results.
- Be more open with Canadians by improving policies and rules so that government data and information is open by default.
The final report itself doesn't provide any specific information about what will be included in the Open Government Action Plan, however the January 2012 update to the Open Government Partnership described some initial possibilities.
UPDATE 2012-04-18: The Open Government Action Plan was released on April 11, 2012. ENDUPDATE
Canada's Action Plan will be posted to is posted at the OGP website
The OGP meeting is in Brasilia, April 17-18, 2012. The OGP has posted a preliminary list of attendees (Excel format).
Canadian representitives listed are
- Stephen Walker - Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) - Stephen is the contact for all OGP related matters: [email protected]
- Tony Clement - President of the Treasury Board - @TonyClementCPC
- Erik Waddell - TBS - @ErikWaddell
- Michael Gurstein - Centre for Community Informatics Research, Development and Training - @michaelgurstein
- Harvey Low - Representative - Canadian Council on Social Development, Community Data Program
- Fernando Perini - International Development Research Centre (IDRC) - @fperini
- David Eaves - @daeaves - David is also on the Canadian Government Advisory Panel on Open Government
- Pierre Boucher - Deputy CIO of Canada
The hashtag is for the event is #OGPBrasilia2012 #ogp2012 and the Twitter ID is @opengovpart
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