A modern technology for web components, the Web Experience Toolkit, had its second CodeFest.
The open source code and community are hosted on GitHub.
Government of Canada employees have played a substantial leadership role in the creation of the toolkit, in its release on GitHub, and in growing the community. It's a great example of government working in a modern way.
I've embedded links to the keynotes below, as well as a Storify of the event (I didn't attend, but I watched the keynotes on YouTube).
Event info at http://wet-boew.github.io/codefest2.0/
Keynote presentations
Ben Balter @BenBalter - http://ben.balter.com/open-sourcing-government/https://github.com/benbalter/open-sourcing-government (repository for slides) - video from 14m43s http://youtu.be/E-AxzfaZQVc?t=14m43s to 1h13m
Raymond Camden @cfjedimaster -
https://github.com/cfjedimaster/CuttingEdgeHTML (repository for the slides) - video from 1h35m32s http://youtu.be/E-AxzfaZQVc?t=1h35m32s
Hillary Little @hilittle - http://www.hilarylittle.com/blog/2013/08/09/codefest-2013-keynote-2/ - video http://youtu.be/51hN1trnpXA
January 11, 2013 open source in government - The Web Experience Toolkit