Open Knowledge Festival 2014 - July 16, 2014
Keynote - Neelie Kroes @NeelieKroesEU - European Commissioner for Digital Agenda
Video of presentation at
Interview video at
- "I am in a hurry"
- we are in a dialogue, between politicians and the open knowledge community
- Why should we be open?
- 1. transparency. Better information should lead to better decisions.
- 2. fairness. Give taxpayers back what they pay for.
- 3. innovation. The more you share, the more people have to build on.
- information can long sit gathering dust - let's release and turn dust into gold
- information should only ever be charged at the marginal cost, which in the digital environment is basically zero
- EU member states only have 1 year left to put this approach into national law
- Call for Tender now open: Pan-European open data infrastructure
- this work involves laws + portals + mindset change
- EU has delivered for open science. Open access can be good for citizens, good for scientists, and good for society.
- Horizon 2020 will offer 80 billion euros for research, and every resulting publication will be openly and [freely] available. Plus opening a lot more research data.
- EU also calling on member states to open up their publications from their national research funding
- citizens need to be informed + involved + engaged (with science)
- Consultation on science in transition - Open Digital Science - closes 30 September 2014
- Open Internet
- We have "absolutely out-of-date" ideas from telecoms
- there must be an open Internet for all
- there must be an end of blocking and throttling of Internet, across the EU
- Open Education
- it is a crime when teachers are prevented from sharing open education resources
- copyright rules need to change
- rules were designed for a different age, more about limitation and control than creativity
- data mining copyright needs urgent reform
- whole EU Commission needs to have a digital mindset
- there is a better way - an open way