This is a post for me to gather information about the provision of live (real-time) election results open data in Canada. If you know of any examples, please let me know.
Elections data is one of the high-value datasets listed in the G8 Open Data Charter, in section 6 Technical Annex, subsection 6.2 Collective Actions, subitem Action 2: Release of high-value data:
Government Accountability and Democracy - Government contact points, election results, legislation and statutes, salaries (pay scales), hospitality/gifts
Canadian Examples
* Edmonton - provided through Socrata API -
"Provide a live stream of Election Results on Election Night. ... every 2 minutes as results are received from Voting Stations"
*Strathcona County - Live election night results -
Appears to be results as XML files. File specification available:
Quebec provides four formats, but I don't know if they're in real time.
Other Info
I also found a standard from the UK but I don't know how widely used it is
Here's a story about elections data from the Guardian
If you have any information or expertise in this area, please let me know.