A big line-up of open data related events in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
UPDATE 2015-04-23: As I live in Ottawa, I have provided some info about restaurants, and how to get around in the downtown area from the conference centre. ENDUPDATE
UPDATE 2015-05-26: The IODC has released a programme of events throughout the week (PDF). ENDUPDATE
Please note: most of these events require separate registration.
May 24: #FlashHacks at Maker Space North - register on EventBrite - see @opencorporates @makerspacenorth
May 25: Canadian Open Data Summit
see @opennorth and hashtag #CODS15 for more information.
social: 5pm-7pm Networking Social at Heart and Crown (67 Clarence St, Ottawa)
May 26: IODC Unconference
social: 6pm-8pm register for HUB Hosts: IODC Unconference Networking Social
possible W2P meetup in evening
May 27: a number of different events
2015 Open Data Research Symposium http://www.opendataresearch.org/project/2015/symposium
Joined Up Data Workshop / Open Data Leaders Summit http://opendatacon.org/pre-conference-events/
Opening Parliaments https://www.eventbrite.com/e/iodc-pre-conference-event-open-parliaments-tickets-17006256170 2pm-5pm - for more info contact @DanSwislow and @jkeserue - also see @openparl
CKANCon 2015 http://www.eventbrite.com/e/ckancon-2015-tickets-16681567016 hashtag #CKANCon
Data Standards Day http://iodc-standards.webfoundation.org/
Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) Meeting - register - 3pm-5pm
Open Data for Humanitarian Emergencies - register - 10:30am-noon
May 27-28: Possible #HackingConflict #Diplohack - see http://new.secdev-foundation.org/hackingconflict
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
- parent organisation @diplohack http://www.diplohack.org/
May 28-29: International Open Data Conference
see website http://opendatacon.org/ and hashtag #IODC15 for more information.
May 28 social: 7:30pm Open Knowledge community / School of Data meet and greet at The Brig Pub, 23 York St.
May 29: GoGeomatics Ottawa May Social
Richard Burcher of Ottawa OpenStreetMap will speak. 7pm at James Street Pub.
Note: this is a small meetup group.
May 30 - June 1: IATI Technical Advisory Group Meeting
registration https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TAG2015Ottawa deadline April 13, 2015
follow @IATI_aid and hashtags #IATI and #TAG2015 for more information
The events continue, although with less direct connection to just open data
May 30-31: Canadian Association of Learned Journals
Open Access and Open Data are major topics - see schedule (PDF)
Hashtag #CALJACRS15
May 30 - June 5: Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
follow @ideas_idees and rather tricky hashtag #CongreSSH
Note that Congress has many, many sub-conferences and events, including:
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute (a series of 2.5 hour workshops) May 30-31
- a hackfest on June 1
June 3: Open Data Ottawa - Open Data Book Club - Artifact dataset - 7pm - Smoque Shack - see @opendataottawa
(see bottom of post for June 5-7 Random Hacks of Kindness)
June 3-5: Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS)
(part of Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences)
hashtag #CAISACSI15
also see http://www.cais-acsi.ca/
June 3-5: Canadian Library Association Conference
follow @CLAOtt15 and hashtag #claott15
UPDATE 2015-06-04: The CLA conference website removed the per-day pages, and now has a single program page that doesn't provide per-session links http://www.claconference.ca/program ENDUPDATE
Some sessions that may be of interest include:
Session Title: Innovation in Canadian Libraries
Session Code: INNOV
Day: Wednesday June 3, 2015
12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Session Title: Open Government – the Virtual Library, an opportunity to participate
Session Code: 417-15104
Day: Wednesday June 3, 2015
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Session Title: Transparency through the Federal Lens: Open Government Initiatives at Library and Archives Canada
Session Code: 417-15061
Day: Thursday June 4, 2015
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Session Title: Preservation and Access Through Trustworthy Digital Repositories
Session Code: 417-15192
Day: Thursday
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Session Title: Libraries and Open Data. How Open are We ?
Session Code: 417-15037
Day: Thursday June 4, 2015
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session Title: Library and Archives Canada as a Trusted Digital Repository
Session Code: 417-15560
Day: Thursday June 4, 2015
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session Title: Open Government Speed Dating
Session Code: 417-15031
Day: Friday June 5, 2015
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Session Title: Libraries Preparing for the Research Data Deluge ?
Session Code: 417-15038
Day: Friday June 5, 2015
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Session Title: It’s midnight, do you know where their data is? A taxonomy of how academic researchers understand the cloud, privacy and their data
Session Code: 417-15277
Day: Friday June 5, 2015
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
June 5-7: Random Hacks of Kindness Ottawa
More info at http://rhok.ca/ - register on EventBrite ($5)
UPDATE: Most open data events are in Lanyrd
UPDATE 2015-04-13: I made a Lanyrd guide for all the open data events