The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences released its open access policy on April 1, 2015.
The official title is "Open Access and the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP)".
The policy is about facilitating and promoting open access books (monographs):
the Federation will embrace the roles of promoter and facilitator of Open Access publishing projects for monographs, with a particular view to engage those that could include ASPP-funded books.
To encourage innovation and experimentation, the Federation will use its resources and networks to facilitate the participation of Canadian publishers, libraries and authors in promising, scalable projects that provide practical (i.e. financial or in-kind) support for Open Access monograph publishing.
To support the ongoing efforts of some Canadian publishers, the Federation will promote existing and future ASPP-funded Open Access books.
As I understand it, it is not a mandatory policy, it's more about doing projects to support open access, in particular projects that would:
Make books Open Access immediately upon publication (no embargo) as DRM-free PDFs or full- text HTML, using the final published work as the version of record;
Track and report on downloads and/or usage;
Use Creative Commons licences;
Host Open Access publications in at least one recognized repository that provides permanent links;
Follow accepted protocols for metadata.
above from full policy