France has released its final 2018-2020 National Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership: Plan d'action national pour la France (PDF). You can read a summary of the launch: #OpenGov #OpenParliament : les plans d’action du Gouvernement et de l’Assemblée nationale pour une action publique transparente et collaborative ont été lancés.
The plan includes an Open Science commitment.
Engagement 18
Construire un écosystème de la « science ouverte »
pp. 57-59
Il vise à construire un écosystème dans lequel la science sera plus cumulative, plus fortement étayée par des données, plus transparente, plus intègre, plus rapide et d’accès plus universel.
Actions (rough translation):
- Create an Open Science Committee - 2018
- Quantitative monitoring of open access for national scientific literature - 2019
- Transparent monitoring/reporting of article processing charges (APCs) - 2020
- Transparent monitoring/reporting of expenditures on electronic acquisitions for university libraries - 2018
- Open data on the financing of research projects – 2019
- National use of ORCID identifiers for scientific researchers – 2018 or 2019
- Accelerate the development of the national open access repository HAL ( )
- Enrich the scanR ( ) and Isidore ( ) science search engines – 2018 to 2020
- Communicate with the scientific community about the implications of the loi numérique ( ) for open access and open data – 2018 or 2019
- With consultation, recommend a policy for open data associated with (peer-reviewed journal) articles and for data papers – no date specified
- Progressively put in place research data management plans as a requirement in project applications, and encourage open data from funded projects – 2019
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