My blog tells me that podcasting basically went mainstream in 2005.
- May 5, 2005 podcasting in the mainstream media
- June 28, 2005 Apple iTunes 4.9 with podcasting support
In 2006 I wrote about podcasts I listen to, so 13 years later it seems like it may be time for an update.
There are a lot of good BBC Radio science shows, but ever since BBC Radio added ads to its podcasts outside the UK, I listen to all BBC Radio content directly on the website (which does not currently have advertisements).
I use Castro for podcasts on my iOS devices because 1) Apple Podcasts app now tracks every podcast you listen to
Podcast Analytics begins gathering data as soon as users play content in the Podcasts app (iOS 11 or later), in iTunes 12.7 or later (macOS and Windows), or on HomePod.
Apple - Podcast Analytics Beta Help
and 2) Castro is a much better application for selecting specific episodes to listen to when you subscribe to a large number of podcasts
Science Podcasts
I listen to pretty much every episode of Spacepod.
I listen to selected episodes of:
- Les années lumière – Radio-Canada – It has the distinction of being the only Canadian radio I listen to
- La conversation scientifique – France Culture
- Long Now Seminars About Long-Term Thinking – because they have experts talking at length about scientific and technical topics
- Science at AMNH (American Museum of Natural History)
- The Science Show – Australia ABC Radio National (RN) – I use the Separate Stories version so I can listen just to the stories I want
- La Tête au carré – France Inter