Canada's Chief Science Advisor, Dr. Mona Nemer, has released her Roadmap for Open Science.
This roadmap is a set of ten recommendations to the Government of Canada.
To understand the sequence of what happens next, Recommendation 3 specifies the creation of departmental Open Science Action Plans.
departments and agencies should develop action plans for Open Science by October 2020
It's those action plans that will determine departmental implementations of the recommendations.
That being said, the Roadmap calls for common government-wide approaches for recommendation 4 on open access and recommendation 5 on FAIR data.
federal science community should use a common approach to achieving [these] recommendation[s]
These recommendations read, in part
4. Federal departments and agencies should make federal science articles* openly accessible by January 2022 and federal science publications* openly accessible by January 2023, while respecting privacy, security, ethical considerations and appropriate intellectual property protection.
This recommendation aims to achieve Open Access by default without an embargo period.
5. Federal departments and agencies should develop strategies and tools to implement FAIR data principles to ensure interoperability of scientific and research data* and metadata standards by January 2023, with a phased plan for full implementation by January 2025.
There is a proposed governance mechanism, which reads in part
8. ... a new high-level Open Science Steering Committee co-chaired by the Chief Science Advisor and either or both the Chief Information Officer of Canada and the President of Shared Services Canada.
The terms of reference and relationship structure with departments and agencies should be developed by June 2020.
The Roadmap is available online in both official languages:
- Roadmap for Open Science - or direct PDF download / Feuille de route pour la science ouverte - document PDF
There was a press release: Roadmap for Open Science to reduce barriers and speed up discovery / Feuille de route pour la science ouverte visant à réduire les obstacles et à accélérer les découvertes.
SIDEBAR: Both the Roadmap for Open Science and departmental Open Science Action Plans are milestones in the Open Science commitment in the Government of Canada's 2018-2020 National Action Plan on Open Government. END SIDEBAR
Disclaimer: I worked on the Open Science commitments in the National Action Plans on Open Government from September 2014 to October 2019.
January 10, 2019 Open Science in Canada's 2018-2020 Open Government Plan