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November 22, 2007


Eric Pfaffinger

I'm looking at the Sanyo unit, although this review goes over some of the features I'd much rather hear about how the unit sounds. How is the sound on the Sanyo, full, flat? How are the lows? We're looking at putting this on a wall in our kitchen, does it have better sound then say the Sony under-counter am/fm cd player?

Richard Akerman

I'm not much of an audiophile, but here are my thoughts -

it has a fairly standard mini-stereo sound, each speaker is about the size of a hardcover book, with a curved back that's maybe twice as thick as a 400-page hardcover. This makes them wider, but shallower than other mini-stereo speakers I have had before. So it's definitely above a clock-radio, but it's constrained by the speaker design (it's made so you can hang it on the wall). It's not bass-y, but there is a BassXtender you can turn on to get a bit of bass. I have an open plan kitchen/living room and the sound easily fills the space on a medium setting.

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