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November 28, 2007



I bought this frame with the sole intention of loading it up with pictures and setting it out for all to see. The first thing I noticed was there was no cable included with the frame. So, now for the million dollar question: How do you connect this frame to your computer???? Yes, there is software available (Optipix) that helps you optimize the photos, but it does no good if you can't tranfer them to the frame! On the back of the frame there is a USB port (type A head - standard USB connector), which means that in order to link the frame to my computer I would need a cable that has a USB type A head on both sides! If you've never tried looking for this type of cable, let me save you the trip - you have a better chance of seeing a unicorn than finding this cable. I went to five different stores looking for the illusive cable and only succeeded in acquiring a headache. In the end, I had to buy a flash drive, load it with my photos, and keep it plugged into the back of the frame at all times. What genius designed this setup?? The frame was nothing but a problem for me!

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