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November 19, 2007



Thanks for the review. I currently have the DGL-4300 and wanted to get the Airport Express so that I could stream my music across the room to my stereo. I don't want to run another cable. I'm glad to hear that the Airport Express will do the trick.

Richard Akerman

I should clarify that for just playing music via a DGL-4300 and Airport Express, you don't need to set up WDS mode. You will need to set up the Airport Express manually, but just have it set up as a regular node (Wireless Mode: Join a wireless network), not as a WDS bridge. WDS bridge is only for connecting a non-wireless device to the network (e.g. if you had a laptop without wireless, you could plug it into an Airport Express set up in WDS bridging mode to connect to the network).

I will clarify this in my posting.

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