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December 15, 2007


Bill Tanner

Does this work with robogeo? The Sony unit can export standard NMEA files that robogeo can read (http://www.robogeo.com/home/nmea.asp). It sure would be nice if it does.

Richard Akerman

Yes, I didn't realise I made the screenshots a bit too small, plus I didn't show this feature explicitly - I will update the review with both. In short, in the "trips" section (tracks for each day) in the bottom right of the photo interface, you can right click on a trip (a track) and export it in NMEA and other formats.


It would be interesting to know if the application at http://sf.net/projects/bt747 is in any way compatible with it.

While GISTEQ offers some advantages, the fact that [no] bluetooth is available [on the DPL700] means that you can not use it with your phone or PDA for positioning in the field.

Richard Akerman

gpspassion.com says the MiniGPS software can talk to the MTK chipset on the DPL700. See http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=81990 and http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=102834

Richard Akerman

Followup: Mario, I tried BT747 with the DPL700 on my Mac, but it needs a different USB-to-serial driver, for starters.


How many data can it log. Can it log a long trip (3 a 4 weeks) without having the need to download the logs?

Richard Akerman

The DPL700 can store 250,000 records.
If you set a logging interval of 15 seconds, that would be 1041 hours of logs.

San Bake

How long lasts the battery of the the DPL700?

Richard Akerman

GiSTEQ says for the DPL700 a AA should last up to 14 hours, but I haven't tested it independently.

Malcolm Hoar

I owned a Gisteq PhotoTrackr CD-111 for a while (until it was stolen). On the plus side:

* Sensitivity/accuracy were good-to-excellent.
* The power management (vibration sensor) is superb. It really works and saves memory as well as battery.
* Provision for external antenna nice.

A low battery indicator would be an excellent addition. But what really spoils an otherwise great device is the dreadful build quality. The case is fragile, the battery cover fell off constantly and the lanyard broke with first use. Personally, I didn't like the Gisteq software -- just give me easy access to the log file. The software activation code was a pain and I didn't like the monolithic do-it-all approach.

I understand the PhotoTrackr Lite also suffers from lousy packaging. So I'm still waiting for similar product with a decent (preferably shower proof) case. The trouble is I can't live without the excellent power management feature.


Thx for the nice review, i would like to know what happens with the DPL700 when you need to replace the AA battery in the middle of a track recording... does it get interrupted or not?
And, is there any way to backup tracks to an USB Host capable Photobank HD drive? (i can read/write usb pendrives).

Richard Akerman

* You will have to stop track recording and turn the device off while you change batteries. This can be done easily using the power button on the device.

* The DPL700 does not mount as a USB drive, so you cannot backup tracks directly using USB storage transfer


I own both the DPL700 (Gisteq) and the DG-100 (Globalsat). Nice features of the DG-100 are the long batterylife (23 hrs+) and the ability to set three different recordig intervals on the device itself (i.e. on the fly).
As I shoot exclusively in RAW format, its a pity that Gisteq is a bit slow in adding new raw file formats to it's Pro software.


What data does the DPL700 record? (time, lat, lon, altitude, etc?)
I'm interested to know if it can record altitude.


I bought the Sony GPS-CS1, and am disappointed. I wanted to use it to see where I had been. I expected the file to look like "Point###, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Date, Time". Then, I wanted to import it into MS Streets & Trips. Instead, the file seems to be deliberately encoded. The Latitude and Longitudes are times 100 or are missing a decimal point. It is not obvious how they stored the time. Why would they do this? Is there any translator out there? Otherwise I just wasted my money. [email protected] Is there a unit out there that will work for me?


In the review you mention that the CD111 has a Nemerix 16-channel chipset ? When i look at gisteq.com i see the mentioning of a 51 channel gps. Did you test an older version?

Richard Akerman

@Richard: The Sony GPS-CS1 uses standard NMEA0183 GPS data format. Most applications and converters can read this format.

Richard Akerman

@Marco: The original CD111 did have a Nemerix chipset and that's still what GISTEQ is showing in their product document at http://www.gisteq.com/CD%20Product%20Brief.pdf

However, the rest of their site appears to indicate that they have upgraded the entire product line to the 51-channel MTK chipset, without changing model numbers. I will contact them for more information.

Richard Akerman

@Marco: I contacted GISTEQ and they inform me that the CD111 and CD110BT have the 51-channel MTK chipset as of June 16, 2008. You can tell the new and old models apart as they removed the external antenna connector in the new models.

I tested the older, Nemerix chipset version.


I've noticed that geotagging pictures with phototackr software will affect timestamps of creation in Exif files, I've read in several forums, but no correction to this issue, have you noticed this?, do you have a work around?

Second... I cannot run phototrackr on my xp box, i could run it in Vista, but I get an error in the map window (Internet Explorer) embedded in the application, the error is that Iexplorer cannot find the Glatlng function of the google maps API.

Chris Ellingsen

I have this device and am very happy with it. The only issue I have is that battery life is about 12 hours of continuous recording. If it is configured to only save the position every 20 meters it has a range of about 5000km.

I recently found a very nice software for downloading the info from the unit. This software is written in perl so it runs on Linux, MacOSX, and Windows with cygwin. There are two programs:

iTU4l.pl - read out the loggers configuration and memory, capability to erase the track data stored in the logger
sr2x.pl - convert the memory dump into several formats including GPX and KML.


This software works very well, and if used in conjunction with
gpscorrelate, another free software that does the geotagging (EXIF) of photos based on a GPX track, we have a complete free, cross-platform solution, all from the command line. Gpscorrelate also has a GUI version.


For geotagging on Windows, another great software is geosetter. It supports many RAW formats and uses exiftool for writing data to the files.



Dirk Van Haeverbeek

Installed Gisteq software on my Vaio notebook (Vista Business os), worked fine for several weeks. Until I tried to install bluetooth connection to my SonyEricsson phone.
All of a sudden the Gisteq software does not find the com-port to the DPL700 anymore ("can't detect GPS tracker's COM port ...")
I have tried Jetphoto to connect on com5 but get message "can't import tracks from GPS receiver ..."
In Device manager, COM5 is shown with Gisteq Phototrackr connected and status "this device is working properly"
I removed in the meantime the bluetooth connection, but no success ...
What can I do to repair the connection to the DPL700 ?


Brent From Iowa

Ok, real quick question. You mention above that the GPS unit uses the UTC time but it suggested the local time to set your camera to. My questions is if the GPS still tracks and tags photos based on the utc time? I am going on a cruise and always set my camera to my time zone and leave it there. My thought is that as long as the GPS stays on UTC and my cam stays on my local time zone it should still be able to tag correctly as the difference in the 2 never changes.
If the GPS uses local time zones then it would be changing and my camera would not be which would cause an issue.
Thanks for your help.... as a side bar, your site alone is what made up my mind on what unit to get. It is by far the most complete and descriptive review site I have seem. Keep up the GREAT work.

Andre Tanguay

Just bought the Phototrackr lite and find it quite interesting except for a fw items:
each time I start the software, I get an error message saying: "Unhandled exception has occured in your aplication. Value of '-30' is not valid for 'splitterdistance'. "splitterdistance' must be greater than 0."
Although the all.offers an option to continue, I am not convince it will not generate additional problems later.
Have someone had similar problem and a solution???

Second issue is that the screen showing the "adjust your camera clock" only show a partial window (date and first digit of the hour). I initially though it was my screen but everything seems to be OK. Any idea to resolve would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Andre Tanguay
Ottawa Ontario


can you recommend this Gisteq as an accurate enough gps recorder for using in the outdoors and where google maps/earth may not yet have clear enough imaging for own adjustments to be properly made? i need something for locating indigenous villages in jungles - obviously tree obstruction is not good. if not, another model?

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