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January 21, 2008


Mathias Krämer


you wrote exactly about my problem, I can't use the Holux m-241 with my MacBook. Seems like the BT747 is the solution but I don't understand the linkt insallation instructions. I'm from germany and as you see my english is not really good. And I'm also not really long a mac user so maybe you can help me.

What does this sentence mean? I would be nice if you can write it for german dummies:

... create a lock-file directory, and make it world-writable. Open a shell, ...

What do I have to do?

And where do I get the programm?

It would be really nice if you can write me an Tutorial for german dummies... then I can write a german tutorial...

Kind reguards and tank you...

Mathias Krämer


Hello Richard & Mathias, I wrote a complete tutorial on how to connect the M-241 on the Mac using Bluetooth:


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