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February 04, 2008



This is all great information, but I think that it is important to make sure that we follow the standards of microchipping and properly registering our pets. When a pet goes missing or even lost it is so important that we proactively react to the situation. Taking steps to protect your pet prior to having this scary and overwhelming incident happen. These steps include always keeping a collar on your pet with I.D Tags. Having your pet micro-chipped and registering them properly. Never leaving them outside unattended, this could lead to their escape as well as giving the opportunity for someone to steal your pet.

Making sure that you’re pet(s) are registered properly is vital to helping them return home. Prevention and preparation is essential to keeping your family together.

David Mannock

This is frustrating to research if you are in Canada, while the Garmin Astro 220/dc30 collar are the best, you cannot officially get them here yet. Roameo is the same (frequency problem there). Others are not covered by Canadian satellites yet. Garmin will work, but look for CDN$700 prices. For me the temporary solution for my cat is a USB/bluetooth data logger. In another 12 months it will be possible to buy bluetooth trackers with a range over 10 kilometers (Eruzio & Air cable). The present generation passive forms may be detectable over a 30-50 metre distance if you have a USB/BT dongle with an aerial. Presently this is your only pet tracking option. The data logger will at least let you see where the pet has been. Mine hops a ride (6 X in 3 months) with an elderly neighbour to the local rest home. Grrr!


I have been waiting for the Roameo GPS tracking units for more than six months and they are still back ordered. Has anybody had good luck actually getting and using any of these devices?

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