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February 02, 2008



Hi Richard, reading your review from last year (again) reminded me to send you the updated links that were not there pre-launch.

JoBo's product page is here:

And our own summary can be found here:

Thanks for the post on the iPhone (jan 6)and yes - i believe you are right P6000 is the only integrated geotagging camera. Although there were Ricoh and Canon accessories that molded to the cameras to make it look 'integrated'. More interestingly - Sony also launched a geotagging video camera (http://www.popularmechanics.com/blogs/technology_news/4298382.html) so maybe Phil Schiller has more insight to what's around the corner.

BTW - did you ever treat tyourself to a DSLR or hot shoe camera like the G9/10?


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