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March 01, 2008



My guess is that "unlimited" data is only intended for phones that can't be "tethered", i.e. used as a modem for a separate computer. Since the k790a can be tethered, they don't want to offer it the use of "unlimited" data, which if you read the fine print, isn't really unlimited.

I'd love to know how you are doing the geotagging. I just bought an unlocked Rogers k790a, which I then de-branded to turn on all the apps that come with the k790a. It is an awesome phone, even 18 months later.I'm using it with AT&T here in the US.


Richard Akerman

I used j2memap to geocode photos on my K790.


It requires an external GPS as the K790 has no available internal GPS capability.

At the time it only actually tagged the photos with the GPS location, I don't know if it properly EXIF-GPS codes them now.

Your theory is an interesting one, but they allow the K850 which is just a newer version of the K790, with HSDPA. The K850 can also be tethered.

Tom Karches

I thought you might be using the hge-100 GPS enabler from SE. Cool, but wired.


Richard Akerman

The K790 will indeed work with a Bluetooth GPS, I used it with a Holux GPSlim236 and j2memaps.

I am currently testing the HGE-100 but it requires a specific serial setup to use, I have only tried it with TrekBuddy and Tracker so far. I am working on a full review of it.

Donovan Hill

I just ordered a Nokia E91 (I wanted to replace my Palm Vx PDA with a new PDA that also has SIP capability and maybe use GSM as the backup for my email reception) and I decided to look through Rogers' website to find a data plan. I have to say that their site is as clear as mud on the subject. I think I'll be talking to a CSR on Monday (Mar 24) to see what is available and let them know that their site is very confusing.

Alex G

dude... give up, there's no mobile internet in Canada. If you are paying for anything related to data in Canada you are just okaying their ridiculous, over the top money grab.

My full time job revolves and is 100% based around internet. I've been doing it for over 9 years and i have never, NEVER, not even once used internet on my phone.

Finally, you should never, ever buy anything except service from provider. Every single phone and accessory is easily 100-200% over their market value. Very often you can buy the same phone cheaper somewhere else than it's offered by provider with a 3 year plan.

Bottom line, mobile industry in Canada is one giant scam. The only thing you can do as a consumer "to fight it" is to use as little of its services as you possibly can.


I had a 10MB per month for $10 plan on my K790a, and reached the 10 MB limit this month. I called in to see what they had for a new plan.

The CSR (customer service rep. - tech dept) put me on the new unlimited plan. I tested it out a bit, and the next day I had a message in my phone saying I owed $50. The unlimited plan is no good.

I called again to get the bill eliminated (they agreed to), and to revert back to my original 10MB plan. The CSR (billing dept) was not able to reinstate the 10 MB plan, so they gave me the closest match: 500MB / month, and a monthly credit of $15 to keep the charge at $10.

I am thrilled.

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