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September 04, 2008



I emailed GE about this camera, and received this response:

The E1050TW is not capable of GeoTagging and the E1050GT is still in the final design stage. When released, the camera will not have an internal GPS but rather it will have to connect to an optional external antenna in order to receive GPS data.

The information encoded in the file will not be traditional Lat / Long, in fact to read the location information, you will have to upload your pictures to a site like Flickr and use tools like Google Earth or the free mapping program that we will include with the purchase of the camera.

Please note that the camera is not being designed to compete with cameras such as the Ricoh 500SE, Nikon D3, or D300. It is really designed as a entry level consumer product.

I knew it looked too good to be true...

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