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October 31, 2008


Maarten Heilbron

This looks like a great solution for iPhone owners. Is there something equivalent for RIM/Blackberry users to capture the GPS data in models that support it, like hte 8330?

Richard Akerman

@Maarten You can get EveryTrail for the Blackberry http://www.everytrail.com/bbapps/

Other options for the Blackberry include MobileTracker http://www.skylab-mobilesystems.com/en/products/mobiletracker_blackberry.html , GeoRecorder http://www.mygeodiary.com/oeg/site/georecorder_blackberry.html , and GPSed http://gpsed.com/mobile

Note: I don't have a Blackberry, so I haven't tried any of these applications.

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