Well it's no cat detector van - more like a cat wearing a detector.
While there are a number of dog GPS tracker units, getting one small enough for a cat is quite a challenge.
Via FriendFeed, I find this report about a cat GPS logger.
You program the intervals that the device will try to log its location via a Windows application and then strap the thing (which is about the size of a matchbox) to a backpack/harness effort on your long-suffering pet. Set them free and, when they return, display the data on a Googlemap.
Tracking your Cat with GPS - Alex Lee's Blog - October 6th, 2008
The technology being used is Mr. Lee CatTrack, a small custom, sealed SIRFstarIII GPS logger.
Just to be clear about some confusing terminology - the basic CatTrack is a standard GPS logger, it records the positions and you download them when the cat comes back (the very next day?). There is also a CatTrack Live, which provides live positioning, using a GSM cellphone module (you provide a SIM card, then it sends SMS text messages of the position).
Mr. Lee also appears to be re-branding the device as CatTraQ, and is looking for retailers.
The price is actually quite reasonable, for a small SIRFstarIII logger.
Also if you really, really want to know what your cat is up to, he makes a CatCam.
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