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June 22, 2009


tom henesy

Thanks, this post was extremely helpful to me.

I got the iphone tethering working with a mac powerbook G4/OS 10.4.11/bluetooth 1.9.5

It's pretty fast, youtube plays OK but not some HD video



I have been attempting to connect to the internet using bluetooth for the past hour or so and it isn't working. My carrier is Fido (Canada) and I've updated iTunes and the carrier update has been done, I didn't get any message stating that my carrier was blocking this. I am using a Powerbook G4 running 10.4.11 as well, Bluetooth 2.0 - iPhone 3G running iPhone 3.0. I've unpaired both and rebooted and repaired them... I can connect to my phone as explained above but when trying to access a webpage it loads for 10 minutes to no avail and times out. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


doug sjostrom

It looks like 10.4 is NOT supported. I can't get it to work on my MacBook either.

Richard Akerman

10.4.11 is supported for Bluetooth for sure. Lower versions of 10.4 probably won't work.

You need 10.5.7 or above for USB tethering.


ive got my powerbook g4 OSX 10.4.11 to tether with my fido dataplan on iphone 3g but can't do it via usb... any ideas?

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