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June 19, 2009



The speed estimates were derived from SpeedTest.net. According to their servers, they estimated that the closest test server was in Toronto, ON. I am physically situated in Saskatoon, SK. Each test was a one-off, although doing multiple tests per server for an average would have been better.

iPhone 3GS tethered to Fido 3G via USB

Toronto, ON Server: 214ms ping, 2.06Mb/s down, 280Kb/s up
Calgary, AB Server: 261ms ping, 750Kb/s down, 270Kb/s up
Brandon, MB Server: 464ms ping, 3.96Mb/s down, 190Kb/s up
Montreal, QC Server: 214ms ping, 3.38Mb/s down, 320Kb/s up

iPhone 3GS tethered to Fido 3G via Bluetooth

Toronto, ON Server: 260ms ping, 1.32Mb/s down, 170Kb/s up
Calgary, AB Server: 292ms ping, 1.24Mb/s down, 300Kb/s up
Brandon, MB Server: 526ms ping, 1.59Mb/s down, 230Kb/s up
Montreal, QC Server: 245ms ping, 1.59Mb/s down, 100Kb/s up


Hi Richard, Similar results from downtown Toronto, generally about 1.2Mb/s – far from the advertised speed of course.

iPhone 3GS (Fido 3g) tethered to laptop via USB

Toronto, ON Server: 288ms ping, 1.09Mb/s down, 300Kb/s up
Calgary, AB Server: 180ms ping, .980Kb/s down, 310Kb/s up
Brandon, MB Server: 212ms ping, .880Mb/s down, 270Kb/s up
Montreal, QC Server 142ms ping, 1.79Mb/s down, 310Kb/s up

On device from downtown Toronto, generally about 2.00Mb/s – better than tethered

iPhone 3GS (Fido) untethered . . .

Toronto, ON Server: 288ms ping, 2.32Mb/s down, 134Kb/s up
Montreal, QC Server: 180ms ping, 3.83Mb/s down, 85Kb/s up
Institute, WV Server: 2674ms ping, 0.525Mb/s down, 54Kb/s up
Kitchener, ON Server: 239ms ping, 0.581Mb/s down, 158Kb/s up
Kalamazoo, MI Server: 313ms ping, 2.78Mb/s down, 90Kb/s up

Rogers Portable Internet (Inukshuk network) via a wifi router after the plug in wimax modem (4/5 bars lit for signal strength) is faster than a laptop tethered to the Iphone, perhaps not quite as fast as the iphone itself . . .

Toronto, ON Server: 288ms ping, 3.32Mb/s down, 21Kb/s up
Montreal, QC Server: 61ms ping, 1.98Mb/s down, 170Kb/s up
Calgary, AB Server: 127ms ping, .480Mb/s down, 150Kb/s up
Kalamazoo, MI Server: 95ms ping, 2.78Mb/s down, 200Kb/s up

John Howell

Tethered via bluetooth from Linux iPhone 4 on Vodafone in New Zealand, at the New Zealand Police College- .37Mbs down, .11Mbs up, but poor reception here, only two bars, often down to one depending on the weather 8). Will retry later when showing full strength

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