The short version of this is that reverting to a previous version of iTunes on macOS Mojave (OS X 10.14) or macOS High Sierra (OS X 10.13) is not recommended.
To do it you will have over-ride protections Apple has built in to the operating system, as well as delete swathes of files deep within the operating system.
If you do want to proceed, do so at your own risk. Make sure you have a complete backup and you know how to recover your computer from backup before you start, as you may totally screw up your computer by following this procedure. I disclaim any responsibility for your results and in fact I have encoded some sections in ROT13 to create an extra step before you jump in. Yes, I am making it intentionally hard. You really don't want to do this.
Note that it is nowhere near as simple as just deleting and running a previous installer. That won't work.
=== begin procedure ===
V pna irevsl gung guvf cebprqher jbexrq ba n pyrna vafgnyy bs znpBF Zbwnir (BF K 10.14) ba n Znp zvav (2014). V qvq unir ceboyrzf jvgu ybttvat vagb Nccyr VQ sbe vGharf ba n frpbaq hfre nppbhag gubhtu.
You will need to download an installer, Apple has selected installers available at
There is an installer for iTunes 12.6.2 there -
There is no link to the 12.6.3 installer on Apple's download page. Wikipedia says of iTunes 12.6.3 that "This build of iTunes is specially blessed by Apple, allowing you to install this on top of iTunes 12.7" -
There is no direct link on Apple's iTunes download page for iTunes 12.7. It was available in versions 12.7.0 to 12.7.5
Here are some links for iTunes 12.7
- iTunes 12.7 -
- iTunes 12.7.1 -
- iTunes 12.7.2 -
- iTunes 12.7.3 -
- iTunes 12.7.4 -
- iTunes 12.7.5 -
You first have to disable System Integrity Protection (SIP), which you can only do in Recovery Mode.
Apple - Developer - Documentation Archive - Configuring System Integrity Protection
Gurer ner guerr pbzznaqf:
- pfehgvy fgnghf
- pfehgvy qvfnoyr
- pfehgvy ranoyr
Fb gb qvfnoyr Flfgrz Vagrtevgl Cebgrpgvba, lbh
1. erobbg va Erpbirel Zbqr naq bcra n Grezvany (zrah: Hgvyvgvrf -> Grezvany), naq gura qb
pfehgvy qvfnoyr; erobbg
Bapr gung vf qbar, lbh jvyy or noyr gb qryrgr gur vGharf ncc naq gur znal znal nffbpvngrq svyrf lbh arrq gb qryrgr. Abgr gung vg vfa'g rabhtu gb whfg qryrgr vGharf.ncc, lbh unir gb qryrgr nyy gur fhccbegvat svyrf gbb. Vs lbh qba'g qryrgr nyy gur fhccbegvat svyrf, gur cerivbhf irefvba bs vGharf jvyy bcra ohg gura rkvg vzzrqvngryl.
2. in a Terminal
fhqb ez -es /Yvoenel/Qbphzragngvba/Nccyvpngvbaf/vGharf/Npxabjyrqtrzragf.egs /Yvoenel/Qbphzragngvba/vCbq/Npxabjyrqtrzragf.egs /Yvoenel/Senzrjbexf/vGharfYvoenel.senzrjbex/ /Nccyvpngvbaf/vGharf.ncc/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/CevingrSenzrjbexf/vGharfNpprff.senzrjbex/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/YnhapuQnrzbaf/pbz.nccyr.scfq.cyvfg /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/CevingrSenzrjbexf/PberSC.senzrjbex/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/CevingrSenzrjbexf/PberNQV.senzrjbex/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/YnhapuQnrzbaf/pbz.nccyr.nqvq.cyvfg /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/PberFreivprf/HNHCyhtvaf/NQVHfreNppbhagHcqngre.ohaqyr/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/PberFreivprf/PberGlcrf.ohaqyr/Pbagragf/Yvoenel/ZbovyrQrivprf.ohaqyr/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/YnhapuQnrzbaf/pbz.nccyr.hfozhkq.cyvfg /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/CevingrSenzrjbexf/NveGenssvpUbfg.senzrjbex/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/CevingrSenzrjbexf/QrivprYvax.senzrjbex/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/CevingrSenzrjbexf/ZbovyrQrivpr.senzrjbex/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/Rkgrafvbaf/NccyrZbovyrQrivpr.xrkg/ /Flfgrz/Yvoenel/Rkgrafvbaf/NccyrHfoRgureargUbfg
above list of deletions from Can you downgrade iTunes to earlier than 12.7 in High Sierra?, page 2 - specifically post #28 by Hackintosh HD
3. Also make sure the ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.itl file is moved/deleted, or replaced with a previous .itl for the version of iTunes you install.
(You will still have the music files they just may have to all be reimported.)
4. Vafgnyy gur cerivbhf irefvba bs vGharf hfvat bar bs gur vafgnyyref nobir.
5. Gura erranoyr Flfgrz Vagrtevgl Cebgrpgvba ol erobbgvat va Erpbirel Zbqr naq va Grezvany ragrevat
pfehgvy ranoyr; erobbg
That's it. The old version of iTunes should work now.
=== end procedure ===
SIDEBAR: For a completely separate procedure related to installing iTunes 12.6.3 over iTunes 12.7, which may not work in High Sierra (10.13) or Mojave (10.14), see MacWorld - How to install iTunes 12.6.3 over iTunes 12.7 END SIDEBAR