List of all reviews and informational postings
- GPS logger comparison spreadsheet
- Holux M-241 GPS logger with LCD display - reviewed
- AMOD AGL3080 Mac-compatible driverless GPS logger reviewed
- GiSTEQ DPL700 PhotoTrackr Lite review - GPS logger with photo geocoding
- Qstarz BT-Q1000 GPS logger review
- GlobalSat DG-100 GPS logger review and comparison
- Sony GPS-CS1 and GPS-CS1KA data logger with photo geocoding
- BT747 support for Holux M-241 on Mac over USB and Bluetooth
- BT747 for Mac access to iBlue, iTrek and Qstarz GPS loggers
- Sony GPS Logger On The Go - bridge to your Mac
- GPS loggers and Macs: why can't we all get along?
GPS on a plane
- GPS on a plane 4: Ottawa - Halifax
- GPS on a plane 2: San Francisco - Toronto - Ottawa
- GPS on a plane
photo geocoding how-to
- using RoboGEO software with Globalsat DG-100 on Windows
- manually on a Mac using GraphicConverter
- HoudahGeo for Mac photo geocoding
Digital Picture Frame
- SmartParts SPDPF70EW (Centrios) 7" digital picture frame review
- Kodak SV811 digital picture frame vs. KSPF-2000: how much has changed in 7 years?
Home Networking and Storage